The fire and emergency services have a long and proud history of serving their communities with a wide variety of fire protection, prevention, emergency medical, and public education services. The fire and emergency services administrators of the future need advanced administration, management, and leadership skills to address the ever-evolving nature of emergency services. The major prepares students for managerial and officer positions in emergency and fire service organizations.
The major is a degree completion program for students to gain advanced knowledge of emergency service related subjects. The coursework builds upon technical skills and experiences earned in First Responder associate degree programs and on-the-job training. Students will explore key administrative and management areas such as emergency operations, public service budgeting, human resources, prevention, and incident command. The major is focused on the administration and management of First Responder organizations.

All fire and emergency services administration courses are upper-division and offered online via distance education only through the CSU Online.

Learning Objectives

Students will demonstrate their ability to:

  1. Effectively integrate academic knowledge into fire and emergency services administrative and managerial roles within current and future employment situations.
  2. Collaborate with peers to solve fire and emergency services organizational problems. Effective collaboration includes the ability to organize and synthesize ideas, develop a persuasive argument, interact with individuals and groups, and use applicable presentation aids.
  3. Apply their knowledge, skills, and competencies in the fire and emergency services field to fire and emergency services organizations. Examples include knowledge of proposal and report writing, trends in emergency management and incident command systems, and comprehension of public service administration practices.
  4. Interact with professional First Responders nationally and internationally.

Potential Occupations

Students in the Fire and Emergency Services Administration major should have work experience in the fire and emergency services field. Typical students are employed as career or volunteer firefighters, wildland firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, inspectors, or trainers. Graduates can expect positions as fire chiefs, company officers, public administrators, fire marshals, or educators.

Effective Spring 2015

Students must complete an additional 60 credits including All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) Categories 1-3.

Credits transferred from another institution 30
 Total Credits 30
Credits transferred from another institution 30
 Total Credits 30
FESA 310Fire Service Leadership 3
FESA 331Structure Influence on Tactics and Strategy 3
FESA 333Proposals/Reports in Fire Service Management4A3
FESA 334Orientation to Experiential Learning 1
FESA 335Trends in Fire Science Technologies 3
FESA 336Fire Emergency Services Administration 3
FESA 338Essentials of Emergency Management 3
Electives 11
 Total Credits 30
Select 6 credits from the following: 6
Industrial Processes and Fire Protection  
Policy and Public Administration  
Incident Command Systems  
Emergency Medical Services Management  
Training Program Management  
Volunteer/Combination Organization Management  
Fire Protection Through Model Building Codes  
Prevention Program Management  
FESA 432Fire and Emergency Services Budgeting 3
FESA 433Fire and Emergency: Human Resources4B3
FESA 437Fire and Emergency: Legal Considerations 3
FESA 467Integrated Management Simulation4C3
Electives1 12
 Total Credits 30
 Program Total Credits: 120

Select enough credits to bring the program total to a minimum of 120 credits, of which at least 42 must be upper-division (300- to 400-level).