Office of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs

Administration Building, Room 108

For more in-depth descriptions of each AUCC category (including Content Criteria and Core Student Learning Outcomes), please visit the Curriculum & Catalog website.

All AUCC language below adopted by Faculty Council 12/01/98; revisions approved by Faculty Council 10/05/04, 10/02/07, 11/06/18, 5/05/20, 10/06/20, 4/06/21, and 5/03/22.


The All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) at CSU helps students refine their academic skills and introduces them to areas of knowledge, methodologies, and ways of knowing in various fields of study. The AUCC is integral to the entire undergraduate educational experience.

The AUCC promotes the acquisition and effective practice of essential competencies within areas of learning stipulated by the state of Colorado. These include math, writing, arts and humanities, social sciences, and history. Courses approved for inclusion in the AUCC at CSU collectively satisfy all of the requirements of the state with regard to subject area and guaranteed transfer agreement (GT Pathways) content, competencies, and student learning outcomes. Essential competencies include the ability to write clearly, speak effectively, recognize diverse perspectives, understand and apply quantitative reasoning, make sense of abstract ideas, reason analytically, and read critically.

The AUCC Experience

Each course approved to satisfy requirements of the AUCC calls upon the instructor to introduce and reinforce academic success skills, provide students with ample and prompt feedback to encourage their academic progress and development, encourage reflection and development of metacognition, and foster an academic mindset.

AUCC courses should provide high impact practices such as writing, collaborative learning, community/civic engagement, or research as relevant to the field. Students learn and retain knowledge when they write, reflect upon what they are learning, and engage in revision processes that utilize feedback. Courses in categories 3B, 3C, and 3D must base at least 25% of the final grade on writing, a portion of which must be written outside of class. Writing activities may range from brief in-class reflective writing to multi-draft revised papers.

Teaching that encourages this mindset involves setting high and realistic goals for students; making clear the course objectives and academic competencies they help to develop; and demonstrating connections among content, competencies, and life applications. It encourages ongoing effort and offers frequent constructive feedback. Such teaching makes explicit that productive studying, active engagement in learning experiences, practicing, questioning, participating, reflecting, and learning from mistakes contribute to student success.

Students in AUCC Courses may anticipate:

  1. Graded feedback early in a course.
  2. Early and consistent access to information about their progress in a course.
  3. Prompt evaluation of their work, as well as frequent and ongoing feedback that assesses strengths and weaknesses and encourages continuing effort.
  4. When relevant, referral to campus resources to support their success.
  5. When appropriate, collaboration, peer interaction, and peer feedback.
  6. Consultation outside of class.

Research at CSU has shown that there is a relationship between student engagement and academic success. Engagement includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Regularly attending class and coming prepared to learn.
  2. Practicing effective study habits.
  3. Completing required assignments.
  4. Asking questions and seeking help when needed.
  5. Learning about campus resources that support students.
  6. Embracing intellectual challenges, opportunities for growth, and breadth of perspectives and opinions. 

Note Regarding the All-University Core Curriculum 

Credits earned in the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP), the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), and International Baccalaureate (IB) can be used to satisfy particular All-University Core Curriculum requirements.

All CSU undergraduate students share a common learning experience. Faculty members from across the University contribute to that experience. 

The Intermediate Writing and Quantitative Reasoning requirements must be completed within the first 60 credits (CSU and transfer) taken. 

Each baccalaureate Program of Study must incorporate the following elements:

Fundamental Competencies
1A. Intermediate Writing3
1B. Quantitative Reasoning3
1C. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion3
2. Advanced Writing3
Foundations and Perspectives
3A. Biological and Physical Sciences (At least one course will include an associated lab)7
3B. Arts and Humanities6
3C. Social and Behavioral Sciences3
3D. Historical Perspectives3
Depth, Application, and Integration
Minimum 5 credits, 2 courses5
4A. Applying Fundamental Competencies: designated courses must apply and integrate knowledge from courses in the Fundamental Competencies of AUCC Categories 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2. At least 50% of the course grade must be based on activities that involve writing, speaking, and/or problem solving. Early guidance and feedback will support students’ growth as writers, speakers, and problem solvers.
4B. Integrating Foundations and Perspectives: designated courses must build upon the Foundations and Perspectives of AUCC Categories 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D in an integrative and complementary way. Each course designated to fulfill this requirement shall emphasize the connections between its course content and the concepts and intellectual approaches that exemplify Foundations and Perspectives categories.
4C. Capstone Experience: every major must require a capstone experience that offers the opportunity for integration and reflection on students’ nearly completed undergraduate education.

Students are advised to see if their program of study has particular recommendations for satisfying All-University Core Curriculum requirements.

A student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or better in the courses used to satisfy categories 1 through 3 of the All-University Core Curriculum requirements.

What follows is a brief description of each category in the All-University Core Curriculum and a list of the courses currently approved to meet that category. Note: No courses are listed in more than one category; courses listed in one category cannot be used to fulfill any other category in the AUCC.

Fundamental Competencies  

Fundamental Competencies are central to success in all courses. These include written and oral communication and quantitative reasoning. Therefore, the learning outcomes and instructional aims of these courses seek to develop and reinforce such competencies.

Category 1A. Intermediate Writing (3 credits)

The ability to communicate in written form is an essential component of success in any academic program and enhances the possibility of one’s success in personal and professional life. Courses in this category provide instruction in the skills essential to effective written communication, extensive practice in the use of those skills, and evaluation of students’ writing to guide them in improving their skills.

CO 150College Composition (GT-CO2)3
HONR 193Honors Seminar3

Category 1B. Quantitative Reasoning (3 credits)

Quantitative reasoning and problem solving are essential skills for success in academics and in life. Quantitative reasoning, which includes Mathematics and Statistics, develops ways of knowing that involve abstraction, generalization, and analysis. Such thinking involves problem solving, interpretation, representation, application, and communication.

FIN 200Personal Finance and Investing (GT-MA1)3
MATH 101Math in the Social Sciences (GT-MA1)3
MATH 105Patterns of Phenomena (GT-MA1)3
MATH 117College Algebra in Context I (GT-MA1)1
MATH 118College Algebra in Context II (GT-MA1)1
MATH 120College Algebra (GT-MA1)3
MATH 124Logarithmic and Exponential Functions (GT-MA1)1
MATH 125Numerical Trigonometry (GT-MA1)1
MATH 126Analytic Trigonometry (GT-MA1)1
MATH 127Precalculus (GT-MA1)4
MATH 141Calculus in Management Sciences (GT-MA1)3
MATH 155Calculus for Biological Scientists I (GT-MA1)4
MATH 156Mathematics for Computational Science I (GT-MA1)4
MATH 157One Year Calculus IA (GT-MA1)3
MATH 159One Year Calculus IB (GT-MA1)3
MATH 160Calculus for Physical Scientists I (GT-MA1)4
MATH 161Calculus for Physical Scientists II (GT-MA1)4
MATH 255Calculus for Biological Scientists II4
STAT 100Statistical Literacy (GT-MA1)3
STAT 201General Statistics (GT-MA1)3
STAT 204Statistics With Business Applications (GT-MA1)3

Category 1C. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (3 Credits)

Courses that address Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion engage students in the study of cultural identities, explore the interactions among these identities, and reflect upon patterns of interaction related to the larger contexts in which they take place, focusing predominantly on US cultures as they are situated within a global context. These courses provide opportunities to expand self-awareness, examine perspectives, and engage in dialogue in order to analyze personal and social responsibility, social systems, and contemporary contexts.

AGRI 116/IE 116Plants and Civilizations (GT-SS3)3
AGRI 270/IE 270World Interdependence-Population and Food (GT-SS3)3
ANTH 200Cultures and the Global System (GT-SS3)3
AREC 222Economics of Food Systems (GT-SS1)3
E 142Reading Without Borders (GT-AH2)3
E 238Contemporary Global Fiction (GT-AH2)3
E 245World Drama (GT-AH2)3
ECON 211Gender in the Economy (GT-SS1)3
ECON 212Racial Inequality and Discrimination (GT-SS1)3
ETST 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies (GT-SS3)3
ETST 205Ethnicity and the Media (GT-SS3)3
ETST 256Border Crossings--People/Politics/Culture (GT-SS3)3
FSHN 115Health Equity (GT-SS3)3
FTEC 115Cultural Aspects of Fermented Foods (GT-SS3)3
GR 102Geography of Europe and the Americas (GT-SS2)3
HES 145Health and Wellness for Everyone (GT-SS3)3
HONR 292CHonors Seminar: Knowing Across Cultures (GT-SS3)3
HORT 171/SOCR 171Environmental Issues in Agriculture (GT-SS3)3
IE 116/AGRI 116Plants and Civilizations (GT-SS3)3
IE 179Globalization: Exploring Our Global Village (GT-SS3)3
IE 270/AGRI 270World Interdependence-Population and Food (GT-SS3)3
INST 179BStudy Abroad--Ireland First Year Seminar: Culture, Society, and Environment (GT-SS3)3
INST 200Interdisciplinary Approaches to Globalization3
IU 173AThinking Toward a Thriving Planet (GT-AH3): Approaches to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion3
IU 174AQuestions for Human Flourishing (GT-AH2): Approaches to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion3
KEY 175Key Communities Diversity Inclusion and You (GT-SS3)3
LB 173Encountering the Global (GT-AH2)3
MU 132Exploring World Music3
PHIL 170World Philosophies (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 245Environmental Philosophies (GT-AH3)3
POLS 131Current World Problems (GT-SS1)3
POLS 232International Relations (GT-SS1)3
POLS 241Comparative Government and Politics (GT-SS1)3
POLS 272Politics of Power, Justice, and Democracy (GT-SS1)3
SA 482Study Abroad1-18
SOC 205Sociology of Race and Racism (GT-SS3)3
SOC 220Environment, Food, and Social Justice (GT-SS3)3
SOCR 171/HORT 171Environmental Issues in Agriculture (GT-SS3)3
SOWK 130Identity, Power, and Social Justice (GT-SS3)3

Category 2. Advanced Writing (3 credits)

Building on and adapting skills and strategies developed in courses in Intermediate Writing, the objective of Advanced Writing is the further development of competence in written communication.   

BUS 300Business Writing and Communication (GT-CO3)3
CHEM 301Advanced Scientific Writing--Chemistry (GT-CO3)3
CO 300Writing Arguments (GT-CO3)3
CO 301AWriting in the Disciplines: Arts and Humanities (GT-CO3)3
CO 301BWriting in the Disciplines: Sciences (GT-CO3)3
CO 301CWriting in the Disciplines: Social Sciences (GT-CO3)3
CO 301DWriting in the Disciplines: Education (GT-CO3)3
CO 302Writing in Digital Environments (GT-CO3)3
JTC 300Strategic Writing and Communication (GT-CO3)3
JTC 301Corporate and Professional Communication (GT-CO3)3
LB 300Specialized Professional Writing3

Foundations and Perspectives 

Foundations and Perspectives courses emphasize subject area methodologies, perspectives, modes of expression and creativity, concepts, and knowledge. Courses in this category help students effectively use fundamental competencies to bring diverse viewpoints, knowledge, application, creativity, and skills to life. Courses explore distinctive characteristics as well as critical linkages among fields of study, promoting synthesis of learning.

Category 3A. Biological and Physical Sciences (7 credits)

Biological and Physical Science courses examine scientific perspectives, build familiarity with scientific knowledge and the scientific method, develop competencies in reasoning, inquiry, and analysis and evaluate the impacts of science and technology on society to facilitate communication in an increasingly complex and technological world. At least one course used to satisfy this requirement must have a laboratory component.

AA 100Introduction to Astronomy (GT-SC2)3
AA 101Astronomy Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
AB 111Feeding the World in a Changing Climate (GT-SC2)3
ANTH 120Human Origins and Variation (GT-SC2)3
ANTH 121Human Origins and Variation Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
ANTH 274Human Diversity (GT-SC2)3
ATS 150Science of Global Climate Change (GT-SC2)3
BSPM 102Insects, Science, and Society (GT-SC2)3
BZ 101Humans and Other Animals (GT-SC2)3
BZ 104Basic Concepts of Plant Life (GT-SC2)3
BZ 105Basic Concepts of Plant Life Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
BZ 110Principles of Animal Biology (GT-SC2)3
BZ 111Animal Biology Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
BZ 120Principles of Plant Biology (GT-SC1)4
CHEM 103Chemistry in Context (GT-SC2)3
CHEM 104Chemistry in Context Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
CHEM 107Fundamentals of Chemistry (GT-SC2)4
CHEM 108Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
CHEM 111General Chemistry I (GT-SC2)4
CHEM 112General Chemistry Lab I (GT-SC1)1
CHEM 120Foundations of Modern Chemistry (GT-SC2)4
CHEM 121Foundations of Modern Chemistry Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
FW 104Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (GT-SC2)3
GEOL 110Introduction to Geology-Parks and Monuments (GT-SC2)3
GEOL 120Geology and Society (GT-SC2)3
GEOL 121Experiential Geoscience Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
GEOL 122Geoscience--Climate and Environmental Change (GT-SC2)3
GEOL 124Earth Resources and Sustainability (GT-SC2)3
GEOL 150Dynamic Earth (GT-SC2)4
GR 110Introduction to Physical Geography (GT-SC2)3
GR 111Introduction to Physical Geography Lab (GT-SC1)1
GR 204/WR 204Sustainable Watersheds (GT-SC2)3
HONR 292AHonors Seminar: Knowing in the Sciences3
HORT 100Horticultural Science4
LAND 220/LIFE 220Fundamentals of Ecology (GT-SC2)3
LIFE 102Attributes of Living Systems (GT-SC1)4
LIFE 103Biology of Organisms-Animals and Plants (GT-SC1)4
LIFE 201AIntroductory Genetics: Applied/Population/Conservation/Ecological (GT-SC2)3
LIFE 201BIntroductory Genetics: Molecular/Immunological/Developmental (GT-SC2)3
LIFE 220/LAND 220Fundamentals of Ecology (GT-SC2)3
MIP 101Introduction to Human Disease and Immunity (GT-SC2)3
NR 120AEnvironmental Conservation (GT-SC2)3
NR 130Global Environmental Systems (GT-SC2)3
NR 150Oceanography (GT-SC2)3
NR 151AStudy Abroad: Oceanography Lab (GT-SC1)1
PH 110Physics of Everyday Phenomena (GT-SC2)3
PH 111Physics of Everyday Phenomena Laboratory (GT-SC1)1
PH 121General Physics I (GT-SC1)5
PH 122General Physics II (GT-SC1)5
PH 141Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (GT-SC1)5
PH 142Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (GT-SC1)5
SOCR 210Microbiome Roles in a Sustainable Earth (GT-SC2)3
WR 204/GR 204Sustainable Watersheds (GT-SC2)3

Category 3B. Arts and Humanities (6 credits)

The Arts and Humanities explore uniquely human expressions. The Arts and Humanities investigate the cultural character and literatures of human experiences, fundamental questions of values and meaning, and, both in word and beyond words, the symbols and creative expressions of human life. Courses in Arts and Humanities may be in Arts and Expression; Literature and Humanities; Ways of Thinking; or World Languages. No more than three credits of intermediate world language (L*** 200, L*** 201) may be used toward this category.

AM 130Awareness and Appreciation of Design3
ART 100Introduction to the Visual Arts (GT-AH1)3
ART 200Media Arts in Context3
BUS 220Ethics in Contemporary Organizations (GT-AH3)3
BUS 225Fostering Sustainable Organizations (GT-AH3)3
CS 150ACulture and Coding: Java (GT-AH3)3
CS 150BCulture and Coding: Python (GT-AH3)3
CS 201/PHIL 201Ethical Computing Systems (GT-AH3)3
D 110Understanding Dance (GT-AH1)3
E 140The Study of Literature (GT-AH2)3
E 202Language Use in Society (GT-AH2)3
E 204Creative Writing as Transformative Practice (GT-AH2)3
E 206Language for Activist Rhetoric and Writing (GT-AH2)3
E 232Introduction to Humanities (GT-AH2)3
E 236Short Fiction3
E 242Reading Shakespeare (GT-AH2)3
E 270Introduction to American Literature (GT-AH2)3
E 276British Literature--Medieval Period to 1800 (GT-AH2)3
E 277British Literature--After 1800 (GT-AH2)3
ETST 240Introduction to Indigenous Studies (GT-AH2)3
ETST 242African American Creative Expression (GT-AH1)3
HONR 292BHonors Seminar: Knowing in Arts and Humanities (GT-AH2)3
HONR 392Honors Seminar3
IDEA 210Introduction to Design Thinking (GT-AH1)3
INTD 110Visual Expression of Interior Environments (GT-AH1)3
IU 173BThinking Toward a Thriving Planet (GT-AH3): Approaches to Arts and Humanities3
IU 174BQuestions for Human Flourishing (GT-AH2): Approaches to Arts and Humanities3
LAND 110Introduction to Landscape Architecture3
LARA 200Second-Year Arabic I (GT-AH4)4
LARA 201Second-Year Arabic II (GT-AH4)4
LARA 250Introduction to Arabic Cultures (GT-AH2)3
LASL 200Second-Year American Sign Language I3
LASL 201Second-Year American Sign Language II3
LCHI 200Second-Year Chinese I (GT-AH4)5
LCHI 201Second-Year Chinese II (GT-AH4)5
LCHI 250Introduction to Chinese Culture (GT-AH2)3
LFRE 200Second-Year French I (GT-AH4)3
LFRE 201Second-Year French II (GT-AH4)3
LFRE 250Introduction to French-speaking Cultures (GT-AH2)3
LFRE 251Revolution and Resistance in Lit and Film (GT-AH2)3
LGEN 250Global Cities (GT-AH2)3
LGER 200Second-Year German I (GT-AH4)3
LGER 201Second-Year German II (GT-AH4)3
LGER 251The Holocaust in Literature and Film3
LITA 200Second-Year Italian I (GT-AH4)3
LITA 201Second-Year Italian II (GT-AH4)3
LJPN 200Second-Year Japanese I (GT-AH4)5
LJPN 201Second-Year Japanese II (GT-AH4)5
LJPN 250Introduction to Japanese Culture (GT-AH2)3
LKOR 200Second-Year Korean I (GT-AH4)5
LKOR 201Second-Year Korean II (GT-AH4)5
LRUS 200Second-Year Russian I (GT-AH4)4
LRUS 201Second-Year Russian II (GT-AH4)4
LRUS 250Introduction to Russian Culture (GT-AH2)3
LSPA 200Second-Year Spanish I (GT-AH4)3
LSPA 201Second-Year Spanish II (GT-AH4)3
LSPA 208Intensive Spanish II (GT-AH4)5
LSPA 230Spanish for Heritage Speakers3
LSPA 250Introduction to Spanish-speaking Cultures (GT-AH2)3
LSPA 251Spanish Language/Culture for Education Abroad (GT-AH2)3
MU 100Music Appreciation (GT-AH1)3
MU 110Music and Technology3
MU 111Music Theory Fundamentals (GT-AH1)3
MU 131Introduction to Music History and Literature (GT-AH1)3
MU 133Survey of Jazz History (GT-AH1)3
PHIL 100Appreciation of Philosophy (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 103Moral and Social Problems (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 110Logic and Critical Thinking (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 120History and Philosophy of Scientific Thought (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 171Religions of the West (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 172Religions of the East (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 174World Religions (GT-AH3)3
PHIL 201/CS 201Ethical Computing Systems (GT-AH3)3
SPCM 100Communication and Popular Culture (GT-AH1)3
SPCM 201History and Theory of Rhetoric (GT-AH3)3
TH 141Introduction to Theatre (GT-AH1)3

Category 3C. Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 credits)

The Social and Behavioral Sciences are designed to help students acquire broad foundations of social science knowledge and the ability to apply this understanding to contemporary problems and issues. The Social and Behavioral Sciences use methods of the field to study the complex behaviors of individuals and their relationships with others in families, public institutions, and cultures. The Social and Behavioral Sciences requirements help students explore the forms and implications of individual and collective behaviors, and their ties to formal institutions.

AM 250Dress and Human Behavior (GT-SS3)3
ANTH 100Introductory Cultural Anthropology (GT-SS3)3
ANTH 232/MU 232Soundscapes-Music as Human Practice3
AREC 202Agricultural and Resource Economics (GT-SS1)3
AREC 240/ECON 240Economics of Environmental Sustainability (GT-SS1)3
BUS 250Music Business--Shifting the Social Landscape (GT-SS3)3
ECON 101Economics of Social Issues (GT-SS1)3
ECON 202Principles of Microeconomics (GT-SS1)3
ECON 204Principles of Macroeconomics (GT-SS1)3
ECON 240/AREC 240Economics of Environmental Sustainability (GT-SS1)3
EDUC 275Schooling in the United States (GT-SS3)3
ETST 260Contemporary Indigenous Issues3
ETST 277Racial Representations of Black Athletes3
GR 100Introduction to Geography (GT-SS2)3
GR 213Climate Migrants (GT-SS2)3
GR 217Human-Environment Geographies (GT-SS2)3
HDFS 101Individual and Family Development (GT-SS3)3
HONR 492Honors Senior Seminar3
IDEA 110Design Your Life with Social Impact (GT-SS3)3
IU 173CThinking Toward a Thriving Planet (GT-SS3): Approaches to the Social/Behav. Sciences3
IU 174CQuestions for Human Flourishing (GT-SS3): Approaches to Social and Behavioral Science3
JTC 100Media in Society (GT-SS3)3
LEAP 200Advocacy in the Visual and Performing Arts3
MU 232/ANTH 232Soundscapes-Music as Human Practice3
PBHL 200Introduction to Public Health (GT-SS3)3
POLS 101American Government and Politics (GT-SS1)3
POLS 103State and Local Government and Politics (GT-SS1)3
POLS 160Introduction to Public Policy and Service (GT-SS1)3
PSY 100General Psychology (GT-SS3)3
PSY 152Science of Learning3
SOC 100Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3)3
SOC 105Social Problems (GT-SS3)3
SOC 270Social Production of Reality (GT-SS3)3
SOC 271Body and Society (GT-SS3)3
SPCM 130Relational and Organizational Communication (GT-SS3)3
WS 200Introduction to Women's Studies3

Category 3D. Historical Perspectives (3 credits)

The goal of the Historical Perspectives requirement is to engage students in an analytical, chronological or thematic study of significant events, to investigate different perspectives and interpretations of them, and to understand historical methods, sources, and concepts as they relate to multi-dimensional human experiences. It should provide students with a foundation for relating perspectives of the past to aspirations for the future.

AGED 210History of Agriculture in the United States3
AMST 100Self/Community in American Culture, 1600-1877 (GT-HI1)3
AMST 101Self/Community in American Culture Since 1877 (GT-HI1)3
ANTH 140Introduction to Archaeology (GT-HI1)3
ETST 250/HIST 250African American History (GT-HI1)3
ETST 252/HIST 252Asian American History (GT-HI1)3
ETST 253Chicanx History and Culture (GT-HI1)3
ETST 255/HIST 255Native American History (GT-HI1)3
HIST 100Western Civilization, Pre-Modern (GT-HI1)3
HIST 101Western Civilization, Modern (GT-HI1)3
HIST 115The Islamic World: Late Antiquity to 15003
HIST 116The Islamic World Since 15003
HIST 120Asian Civilizations I (GT-HI1)3
HIST 121Asian Civilizations II (GT-HI1)3
HIST 150U.S. History to 1876 (GT-HI1)3
HIST 151U.S. History Since 1876 (GT-HI1)3
HIST 170World History, Ancient-1500 (GT-HI1)3
HIST 171World History, 1500-Present (GT-HI1)3
HIST 201Seminar – Approaches to History3
HIST 250/ETST 250African American History (GT-HI1)3
HIST 252/ETST 252Asian American History (GT-HI1)3
HIST 255/ETST 255Native American History (GT-HI1)3
IU 173DThinking Toward a Thriving Planet (GT-HI1): Approaches to History3
IU 174DQuestions for Human Flourishing (GT-HI1): Approaches to Historical Perspectives3

Note Regarding Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways Courses

Courses that the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) has approved for inclusion in the Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways program are guaranteed to transfer among all public higher education institutions in Colorado. For transferring students, successful completion with a minimum C- grade guarantees transfer and application of credit in this GT Pathways category.

Courses that the CCHE has approved for inclusion in the Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways program are designated with a GT code after the course title (e.g., "MATH 101: Math in the Social Sciences (GT-MA1).") The subcode listed after "GT-" refers to the specific statewide general education category the course fulfills. For more information on the GT Pathways program, please visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education website.