The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act is the landmark federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose important security policies, annual information about crime on and around campus, and CSU's policies on drugs and alcohol. Information must also be published concerning interpersonal violence policies and resources. The entire Campus Safety (Clery Act) policy can be found in the University's Policy Library. 

Crime Statistics—Annual Report

The Clery Compliance Committee is responsible for releasing campus crime statistics to the CSU community. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report informs the CSU community about important policies, crime prevention programs, and crime statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by CSU, and on public property adjoining and throughout campus. It also contains fire safety information and the past three years' fire statistics for the residence halls.

All students and employees are notified via email that the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online when the report is published each fall. It can be found year-round in full accessible text online at the security report website, additionally, an online, downloadable version can be viewed at the Clery website, and finally, a printed copy may be requested at the CSU Police Department in Green Hall or by contacting the Clery Compliance Program Director. Archives of the reports from the past seven years will be made available upon request. 

Notifications to the Campus Community of Crimes and Emergencies

Timely Warnings

Whenever a Clery crime has been reported to CSUPD and it is determined that a serious or ongoing threat to the safety of students or employees exists, the university will issue a timely warning. Anyone with information that may warrant a timely warning should report the circumstances to the CSU Police Department or local law enforcement personnel, even if you are unsure whether or not a timely warning should be issued.

The university will follow certain procedures in determining whether or not a timely warning will be issued. Once the initial report of a Clery crime that may present a serious or ongoing threat to the community has been received, the CSUPD will contact members of the University’s Public Safety Team to share known information about the crime and any ongoing threat to safety that may exist in connection with the crime. The Chief of Police (or designee) and other members of the Public Safety Team will determine when a timely warning should be issued.

Students and employees are strongly encouraged to sign up for the university’s emergency text alert system, and to periodically check to make sure that their mobile number in the system is correct. To sign up or check your mobile number, employees can go online to the university’s safety website and click the link for text message alerts. Students can enroll and verify their information throughRamWeb. It only takes a few moments to sign up for emergency alerts and doing so may help save your life or the life of another. 

  • CSU uses the Everbridge notification system that is supported by the Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority (LETA) and activated for CSU-related emergencies by CSU personnel. This system issues email notifications to all CSU students and employees who maintain an email address. Text alert notifications are also made to employees and students who have a telephone number on file with the university.  
  • To sign up for alerts from other agencies or for more information, please visit the LETA website at  
  • Students and employees cannot opt out of emailed emergency messages. 
  • Emergency alerts, safety alerts and safety advisories are posted to the Safety website other appropriate university websites like CSU’s online newsletter, SOURCE. 
  • Fliers or printed notices may be sent to specific offices or university community members where the threat is targeted and not immediate. 
  • Alerts and advisories are posted on one or more of the university’s social media channels. 
  • Mass notifications may be made via recorded emergency telephone calls. 
  • In-person notifications may be made by police officers or members of the Public Safety Teamto specific audiences.
  • Alerts and advisories may be shared via outdoor and/or indoordigital signs located on campus. 
  • Parent and Familyonline newsletterand social media accounts ("Colorado State Parents & Families" on Facebook) 
  • CSU status recorded line is (970) 491-7669. 
  • Local media outletsmay also share alerts and advisories at CSU's request.  

Emergency Notifications

Whenever it is confirmed by the university that a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees is occurring on or nearby the campus (or other places where the Clery Act applies), the University will issue an emergency notification. The emergency notification is issued immediately upon confirmation that a dangerous situation or emergency exists or is threatened.

The decision to issue an emergency notification may be made by the CSU Chief of Police (or their designee), or members of the Public Safety Team. Because of the urgent nature of these notices, the university’s primary objective will be to confirm whether or not such emergency conditions exist as quickly as possible, determine the content of the notification, and issue the notification without delay. The methods of issuing an emergency notification are the same as those listed for timely warnings, above. 

In all emergency notifications and timely warnings, the University will follow procedures to assure that the names of crime victims are not publicly disclosed in an emergency notification. This includes a review of the content of the notification by the CSU Chief of Police (or their designee) before it is issued to be sure that such names or other information from which a crime victim could reasonably be identified are omitted or redacted from the emergency notification.

Emergency email and text notification systems will be tested periodically, using test messages.

For more information about timely warnings and emergency notification procedures, see the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

Missing Student Notification

When a student who resides in university housing is reported missing, the University will initiate an investigation to determine whether the student is indeed missing. If there is good cause to believe the student is missing, the University may, among other measures, attempt to contact the individual or individuals designated by the student as confidential emergency contacts. Where the reportedly missing student is an unemancipated minor under the age of 18, the student’s parents or guardian may be contacted. CSU Police will also be contacted, if they have not already been notified of the concern.

If you believe a CSU student is missing, you should immediately contact the CSU Police Department by calling (970) 491-6425. See the missing student notification procedures in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for more information.

Registered Sex Offenders

The CSU Police Department is required to notify the CSU community about where public information regarding registered sex offenders can be obtained. A current listing of sex offenders is available at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Convicted Sex Offender Site.

CSU Police Department Services

The CSU Police Department offers additional services to the CSU community.