CSU's English Composition Requirement

All CSU students are required to fulfill the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) Intermediate Writing Requirement (AUCC Category 1A) prior to completion of 60 credits. Students can complete the AUCC Intermediate Writing requirement in one of five ways:

  1. Satisfactory completion of CO 150: College Composition.
  2. Achieving a score of 5 on the Advanced Placement English Composition and Literature Test; or a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Test; or placing in CO 150 -section 550 (credit by exam for CO 150) on the Composition Placement Challenge and Re-evaluation Essay.
  3. Transferring equivalent credits from another college. (Students who transfer with less than 2.6 semester credits in composition will have the option of writing the Composition Placement Challenge and Re-evaluation Essay. With a score of 5, we can request the additional credit be waived).
  4. Satisfactory completion of HONR 193 (Honors students only).
  5. Submission of International Baccalaureate scores that document an English A at the higher level with a score of 7, or an English B at the Higher Level score of 5, 6, or 7.

Credit for CO 150 will not be given for high scores on the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).

Students (except first-semester transfer and readmitted students) who have earned 60 or more CSU and transfer semester credits and who have not met this requirement will have a Composition HOLD placed on their record. Transfer and readmitted students will be allowed the initial term of enrollment before this restriction is imposed.

What if I Have a Composition HOLD Placed on My Registration?

Before the start of registration for an upcoming semester, undergraduate students are informed, via email from the Office of the Registrar, if they have not completed the AUCC composition requirement. After a student has earned 60 or more CSU and transfer semester credits without fulfilling the AUCC composition requirement, the email will also give notice that a Composition HOLD has been placed and provide information on how to remove the HOLD.

The procedure to remove a Composition HOLD is as follows:

1.  You can contact the Office of the Registrar as soon as you receive the email letting you know that a Composition HOLD has been placed on your registration – you do not have to wait for your registration access time.  

  • You can contact the Registrar's Office immediately, if you are currently registered for CO 130 or have transfer credit for CO 130 .
  • If you need to take the Directed Self-Placement Survey, once the Survey is completed, you can contact the Office of the Registrar.  
  • If you are in the Honors Track I program, you will need to register for HONR 193.  
  • If you were automatically placed into CO 130 or selected CO 130 on the Directed Self-Placement Survey , you will need to select a section of that course for which to register. After successful completion of CO 130, you will need to register for CO 150 the following term. CO 150 satisfies the All-University Core Curriculum Intermediate Writing requirement (AUCC Category 1A).
  • If you were automatically placed into CO 150 or selected CO 150 on the Directed Self-Placement Survey , you will need to select a section of that course that works with your course schedule.
  • If you were automatically placed into CO 130 or CO 150 and wish to challenge that placement, you will need to write the Composition Placement Challenge and Re-evaluation Essay as soon as possible.
  • If you chose to write the Composition Placement Challenge and Re-evaluation Essay, once your score has been entered, you can contact the Office of the Registrar.

 2.  Once you have chosen a section of composition that works with your schedule, contact the Office of the Registrar in Centennial Hall by calling (970) 491-4860, or emailing registrarsoffice@colostate.edu. If sending an email, please do so from your Colorado State University provided email account and include your full name, CSUID number, and the CRN for the CO course for which you want to be registered. Please make sure to have the CRN of the section you have chosen available in order to expedite your request.

3.  The Office of the Registrar will then remove the Composition HOLD and will either register you for your preferred composition section or place you on the waitlist.  If your preferred sections are full, we recommend getting on several section waitlists.  If you are waitlisted and do not get a seat in CO 150, your HOLD will go back on your record.  If you have questions about the waitlist process, visit the Registrar's Waitlist FAQ

CSU's Composition Placement Program

Critical reading and writing skills are significant components of every program and degree at CSU. Moreover, research at CSU, as well as nation-wide, demonstrates a clear connection between academic success and the ability to write effectively for various audiences. The CSU Composition Placement Program is designed to ensure that you register for the composition course most suited to your needs, CO 130: Academic Writing or CO 150: College Composition.  

To learn more about CSU's Composition Placement Procedures, go to http://composition.colostate.edu/students/placement. We also encourage you to read the Placement FAQ on the website.

Appeals Process

Students wishing to appeal this registration restriction must complete the Intermediate Writing/Quantitative Reasoning (MATH/COMP) Appeal form, including a detailed rationale as to why they were unable to complete the course within the first 60 credits. Students must also outline their plan for completion of the requirement. If registered for an equivalent course at another institution, students should include proof of registration. Appeals must be received by the student’s academic advisor and department head for their signatures and indication of support/lack of support of the appeal. The signed appeal must then be submitted through the Office of the Registrar, First Floor, Centennial Hall, to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs who holds authority for final approval or disapproval.