The Livestock Business Management degree program develops active decision-making, communication, and practical management skills to prepare graduates to be effective leaders and agents within the livestock industry. Coursework within the program is selected to provide solid foundational understanding of biological processes and management opportunities within livestock systems as well as analytical and managerial principles in agricultural businesses across a range of scales and resource bases. On top of this fundamental foundation, students will be provided training in economic decision making and analysis that will explicitly integrate the biophysical dimensions with the financial dimensions to drive overall business decisions. In a series of experiential learning courses, students will work with an industry partner to identify a real-world challenge and will codevelop potential solutions with the organization. Another important element of the program is the development of leadership skills to prepare graduates to not only work internally within the industry, but to also be effective in representing the industry and bringing broader social issues to the forefront within the industry. The integration of efficient livestock systems and business practices prepares students to be successful in a wide range of higher-level positions needed within contemporary animal agriculture.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion, students will be able to demonstrate:

  1. Professional Development: Embody a general awareness of issues relevant to the livestock industry and their implications in a larger societal context. Develop a network of personal and professional connections which will foster an understanding of the culture surrounding professional expectations and conduct. 
  2. Technical Competence: Demonstrate technical competency including the ability to appropriately use biophysical sciences, business management techniques, and economic theory in formulating analytical problems, identifying and gathering appropriate data, and employing appropriate methods to analyze those problems, utilizing appropriate resources and technologies available. 
  3. Problem-solving Skills: Demonstrate the ability to solve real-world livestock business management problems beyond the context of the classroom. Identify a problem and its scope, evaluate resources available to address the problem, formulate alternative solutions, and select the solution(s) most consistent with a stated objective. 
  4. Communication Skills: Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication in terms of substance, organization, mechanics, documentation, and synthesis. Proficient students will have the ability to clearly communicate findings, critically and analytically, at a professional level within their chosen profession. 
  5. Leadership: Develop leadership qualities that they will use in their professional, personal and community interactions leveraging the other competencies acquired in the program. These leadership qualities include vision, initiative, personal responsibility, team building, and motivating collective action.

Potential Occupations 

  • Risk and financial analyst
  • Supply chain manager
  • Livestock operator
  • Marketing associate
  • Sales representative
  • Accounts manager
  • Extension agent
  • Operations supervisor
  • Ranch manager
  • Customer service specialist
  • Procurement officer
  • Commodity analyst and merchandiser


To learn more about the Major Livestock Business Management, or to contact an Academic Success Coordinator, please visit the department website. 

Effective Spring 2025

ANEQ 101Food Animal Science 4
ANEQ 105Introduction to Large Animal Anatomy 1
AREC 192Orientation to Agricultural and Resource Econ 1
AREC 202Agricultural and Resource Economics (GT-SS1)3C3
CO 150College Composition (GT-CO2)1A3
LBM 133Introduction to Livestock Business Management 1
LIFE 102Attributes of Living Systems (GT-SC1)3A4
MATH 117College Algebra in Context I (GT-MA1)1B1
MATH 118College Algebra in Context II (GT-MA1)1B1
MATH 124Logarithmic and Exponential Functions (GT-MA1)1B1
Select one course from the following: 3-4
Agricultural Data Management and Analysis  
Business Computing Concepts and Applications  
Personal Computing  
Select one course from the following: 4
Fundamentals of Chemistry (GT-SC2)3A 
General Chemistry I (GT-SC2)3A 
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion1C3
 Total Credits 30-31
ACT 205Fundamentals of Accounting 3
ANEQ 305Functional Large Animal Physiology 3
ANEQ 328Foundations in Animal Genetics 3
AREC 310Food and Agricultural Markets 3
LBM 233Leadership in the Livestock Industry 2
SPCM 200Public Speaking 3
Select one course from the following: 3
General Statistics (GT-MA1)1B 
Introduction to Applied Statistical Methods  
Arts and Humanities3B6
Historical Perspectives3D3
 Total Credits 29
ANEQ 320Principles of Animal Nutrition4B3
AREC 305Agricultural and Resource Enterprise Analysis 3
LBM 333ALivestock Business Engaged Research: Proposal Development 1
LBM 333BLivestock Business Engaged Research: Field Experience 1
Animal Science Choice Block - select a minimum of 9 credits total from the following: 9
Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation  
Animal Reproduction4B 
Prevention and Control of Livestock Diseases  
Principles of Animal Breeding4B 
Principles of Meat Science4B 
Applied Food Animal Behavior  
Livestock Manure Management and Environment  
Meat Safety  
Sustainable Forage Management for Livestock
Rangeland Conservation and Stewardship
Up to two Production Systems courses not chosen in Senior year may be used in this block.
Ag Business Choice Block - Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following: 6
Economics of Food Systems (GT-SS1)1C 
Introduction to Agribusiness Entrepreneurship  
Agricultural and Resource Product Marketing  
Personnel Management in Agriculture  
Data-Driven Ag and Res Econ Decision Making  
Introduction-Economics of Natural Resources  
Environmental Economics  
Water Law, Policy, and Institutions  
Economics of Outdoor Recreation  
Agricultural Law  
International Agricultural Trade  
Commodity Market Trading Experience  
Food Supply Chain Management  
Real Estate Appraisal  
Ag- and Resource-Based Economic Development  
Study Abroad--Italy: Economics of the Renaissance in Modern Italy  
Study Abroad--Italy: Food and Resource Economics  
Agricultural Policy  
Any Ag Business Analytic courses not chosen in Senior year may also be used in this block.
Advanced Writing23
Electives 3
 Total Credits 29
AREC 428Agricultural Business Management4A,4C3
AREC 492Senior Seminar in Ag and Resource Economics 1
LBM 333CLivestock Business Engaged Research: Communications 1
LBM 433Integrated Livestock Business Mgt Workshop4A,4C1
Ag Business Analytic Courses - Select two courses from the following: 6
Agricultural Production Management  
Agricultural Finance  
Agricultural Commodities Marketing  
Production System Courses - Select two courses from the following: 6-7
Meat Processing Systems  
Sheep Systems  
Dairy Systems  
Swine Systems  
Feedlot Systems  
Beef Systems  
Remaining Animal Science Electives (see Junior year list): 3
Remaining Ag Business Electives (see Junior year list): 3
Other Business-focused Elective1 3
Other Livestock-focused Elective2 3
Electives3 0-2
 Total Credits 31-32
 Program Total Credits: 120

Select from upper division courses in AREC, ECON, BUS, MKT, FIN, ACT, MGT, or REL.


Select from upper division courses in ANEQ, SOCR, AB, RS, BMS, MIP, LIFE.


Select enough elective credits to bring the program total to a minimum of 120 credits, of which at least 42 must be upper-division (300- to 400-level).

Semester 1CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
ANEQ 101Food Animal ScienceX  4
AREC 192Orientation to Agricultural and Resource EconX  1
AREC 202Agricultural and Resource Economics (GT-SS1)X 3C3
LIFE 102Attributes of Living Systems (GT-SC1)X 3A4
MATH 117College Algebra in Context I (GT-MA1)X 1B1
MATH 118College Algebra in Context II (GT-MA1)X 1B1
MATH 124Logarithmic and Exponential Functions (GT-MA1)X 1B1
 Total Credits   15
Semester 2CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
ANEQ 105Introduction to Large Animal AnatomyX  1
Select one course from the following:X  3-4
Agricultural Data Management and Analysis    
Business Computing Concepts and Applications    
Personal Computing    
Select one course from the following:   4
Fundamentals of Chemistry (GT-SC2)X 3A 
General Chemistry I (GT-SC2)  3A 
CO 150College Composition (GT-CO2)X 1A3
LBM 133Introduction to Livestock Business ManagementX  1
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  1C3
 Total Credits   15-16
Semester 3CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
ANEQ 305Functional Large Animal PhysiologyX  3
AREC 310Food and Agricultural MarketsX  3
LBM 233Leadership in the Livestock IndustryX  2
Arts and Humanities X3B3
Historical Perspectives X3D3
 Total Credits   14
Semester 4CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
ACT 205Fundamentals of AccountingX  3
ANEQ 328Foundations in Animal GeneticsX  3
SPCM 200Public SpeakingX  3
Select one course from the following:X  3
General Statistics (GT-MA1)  1B 
Introduction to Applied Statistical Methods    
Arts and Humanities X3B3
ANEQ 305 must be completed by the end of Semester 4.X   
 Total Credits   15
Semester 5CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
ANEQ 320Principles of Animal NutritionX 4B3
AREC 305Agricultural and Resource Enterprise AnalysisX  3
Animal Science Choice Block (See List in Program Requirements) X 3
Ag Business Choice Block (See List in Program Requirements) X 3
Advanced Writing X23
 Total Credits   15
Semester 6CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
LBM 333ALivestock Business Engaged Research: Proposal DevelopmentX  1
LBM 333BLivestock Business Engaged Research: Field ExperienceX  1
Animal Science Choice Block (See List in Program Requirements) X 6
Ag Business Choice Block (See List in Program Requirements)   3
Elective X 3
AREC 305, AREC 310, ANEQ 310, ANEQ 320, ANEQ 328, SPCM 200, STAT 201 or STAT 301, and Advanced Writing must be completed by the end of Semester 6.X   
 Total Credits   14
Semester 7CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
LBM 333CLivestock Business Engaged Research: CommunicationsX  1
Select two Analytic Courses from the following:X  6
Agricultural Production Management    
Agricultural Finance    
Agricultural Commodities Marketing    
Animal Science Choice Block (See List in Program Requirements): X 3
Production Systems Choices (See List in Program Requirements): X 6-7
 Total Credits   16-17
Semester 8CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
AREC 428Agricultural Business ManagementX 4A,4C3
AREC 492Senior Seminar in Ag and Resource Economics   1
LBM 433Integrated Livestock Business Mgt WorkshopX 4A,4C1
Ag Business Choice Block (See List in Program Requirements) X 3
Other Livestock-focused Elective (See List in Program Requirements): X 3
Other Business-focused Elective (See List in Program Requirements): X 3
Electives X 0-2
The benchmark courses for the 8th semester are the remaining courses in the entire program of study.X   
 Total Credits   14-16
 Program Total Credits:   120