The Seed Science and Technology certificate offers a comprehensive overview of seed analysis and a scientific understanding of seed biology.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  1. Identify plant species by seed structure and anatomy.
  2. Demonstrate seed purity, germination, and viability testing procedures.
  3. Analyze seed storage and seed deterioration processes.
  4. Apply knowledge obtained in program to take the AOSA or SCST exams for their Certified Seed Analyst or Registered Seed Technologist credential.

Effective Spring 2020

Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.

SOCR 200Seed Anatomy and Identification1
SOCR 201Seed Development and Metabolism1
SOCR 300Seed Purity Analysis2
SOCR 301Seed Germination and Viability2
SOCR 311Seed Quality--Seed Production and Genetics1
SOCR 410Seed Processes: Storage and Deterioration1
SOCR 412Seed Processes: Separation and Conditioning1
SOCR 413Seed Vigor Concepts and Testing2
Program Total Credits:11