The Certificate in Korean Studies is designed to introduce students to different aspects of Korean language, culture, history, political and economic systems, and artistic expressions, within the context of East Asia. 

Korean has been deemed a "critical language" by the U.S. government and is thus extremely useful for careers in government, including the military, national security agencies, and the U.S. diplomatic corps. K-Pop has become one of the most popular music genres in the world. Korean television series regularly go viral on Netflix. And Korean companies are among some of the most popular consumer brands on the planet, including Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, and LG.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  1. Apply language skills to conduct written and oral communication on literary, linguistic, and cultural topics in a culturally and socially appropriate manner with the help of reference materials.
  2. Reflect critically on their own socially and culturally constructed values and behavior patterns, through recognizing and appreciating cultural differences.
  3. Explain and analyze key aspects of Korean culture, history, and civilization.

Effective Fall 2024

Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.

Required courses:
LKOR 300Third-Year Korean I3
LKOR 301Third-Year Korean II3
Select one additional course from the following:3
Asian Literature
Asian-Pacific Americans and the Law
Ancient China
Medieval China and Central Asia
China in the Modern World, 1600-Present
Modern East Asia Through Film
Tokugawa and Modern Japan, 1600-Present
East Asia in the Age of Empire, 1800-Present
Pacific Wars: Korea and Vietnam
The Mongol Empire
Studies in Foreign Film: Asia
Philosophies of East Asia
Topics in Asian Philosophy
Comparative Asian Politics
Asians in the U.S. Media
Study Abroad--South Korea: Cinema, Culture, and History
Program Total Credits:9