The Graduate Certificate in Spanish Linguistics and Literary Studies provides academic training to students in the Spanish language, Spanish-speaking literatures, and Spanish cultures at the master's level, while advancing their proficiency of Spanish. Students take four graduate-level courses in Spanish and have the possibility to expand some of their own research or teaching interests through their coursework. 

Students interested in graduate work should refer to the Graduate and Professional Bulletin.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  1. Compile culturally-, literary-, and/or linguistically-based information to construct original research.
  2. Develop hypotheses and theses in the field of the coursework.
  3. Compare cultural, literary or linguistic views and determined value systems.
  4. Demonstrate language proficiency minimally at the Advanced-low level.
  5. Synthesize literary, cultural and/or linguistic works.
  6. Evaluate material and critical theories in light of personal production, all based on cultural, literary or linguistics foci.

Effective Fall 2018

Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.

Select a minimum of 12 credits from a minimum of 4 courses from the following:12
Spanish Language Analysis: Syntax
Spanish Language Analysis: Phonetics and Phonology
Topics in Spanish Linguistics
Literary Periods of Spanish America
Selected Spanish Literary Movements/Periods
Advanced Studies in Spanish Literary Genres
Advanced Spanish Author Studies
Advanced Topic Studies-Spanish
Program Total Credits:12

*This certificate may have courses in common with other graduate certificates. A student may earn more than one certificate, but a given course may be counted only in one certificate.