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(970) 491-6044 | CLA-Soc_Dept_Info@colostate.edu
Associate Professor Tara Opsal, Chair
Associate Professor Jeff Nowacki, Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor of Teaching Elena Windsong, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Graduate Programs in Sociology
Students interested in graduate work should refer to the Graduate and Professional Bulletin and the Department of Sociology.
Master's Programs
- Master of Arts in Sociology, Plan A* (research track)
- Master of Arts in Sociology, Plan B* (professional track)
- Ph.D. in Sociology*
*Please see the department for the program of study.
Sociology at CSU offers graduate students unique opportunities for:
- A professional, supportive environment with open-door access to world-renowned faculty at a Tier 1 land grant research institution.
- Faculty-student collaboration on theoretical, applied and policy research at local, national and international levels.
- The development of research and data analytic skills necessary to explore complex issues from multiple angles and opportunities to hone these skills by working closely with talented and committed faculty members.
- An interdisciplinary community of faculty and graduate students across the university with whom to exchange ideas and learn.
- Financial support, available on a competitive basis, as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) and Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) on faculty research projects.
- A beautiful and sustainability-minded environment in which to live and work.
As students develop professional skills to be competitive in academic, public, and private sector job markets, they also acquire:
- Rigorous, scholarly yet practical training.
- Expertise in specialized areas including environment and natural resources, food, agriculture and development, criminology and deviance, community, environmental governance, fair trade, and race-ethnicity and gender.
- High competence in social theory, research methodology and quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
- Ability to collaborate creatively and effectively within Sociology and interdisciplinary complex social and environmental problems.
- Our faculty members carry out theoretical, applied and policy research nationally and internationally on the causes and consequences of social change on individuals, communities and nations of the world. Most of our faculty do research, outreach and engagement in two or more of the four areas above, a unique strength of our program that prepares our graduates to make rigorous but flexible contributions as professional sociologists.
Sociology (SOC)
Please note that courses listed in this catalog are not necessarily available EVERY semester that is noted in “Term Offered.” Specific courses you may be hoping to take specific semesters may not be available that academic year. Please discuss all course options with your Academic Success Coordinator or Advisor on a semester-by-semester basis.
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Introduces a way of viewing interactions, relationships, and social phenomena that mold everyday experiences. Examines how social structures shape interactions, and how society constructs social categories and meanings.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
Additional Information: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3C, Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).
SOC 105 Social Problems (GT-SS3) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines social problems related to differences in power and privilege. Investigates how social problems emerge and the people and communities they harm. Considers how people contest social problems and develop and implement solutions.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
Additional Information: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3C, Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).
SOC 205 Sociology of Race and Racism (GT-SS3) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Introduction to major theories and research in the sociology of race and racism. Examines historical and contemporary racial inequalities, with a focus on systemic and structural racism.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
Additional Information: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 1C, Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).
SOC 210 The Power of Numbers--Statistics in Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Provides tools to think quantitatively about the social world and critically consume statistics encountered in everyday life. Covers the logic of statistical inference and how to perform quantitative analyses.
Prerequisite: MATH 100 to 199 - at least 1 credit.
Registration Information: Completion of AUCC Category 1B or at least 1 credit MATH.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 220 Environment, Food, and Social Justice (GT-SS3) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Introduces the social causes and consequences of contemporary environmental issues. Critically analyzes social structures such as capitalism, beliefs and cultural norms, and social inequalities in relation to food and the environment.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
Additional Information: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 1C, Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).
SOC 253 Intro to Criminology and Criminal Justice Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Introduces central mechanism of formal social control in the United States: the criminal justice system. Uses a sociological lens to critically assess its goals, organizational components, and attempts to achieve justice.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 270 Social Production of Reality (GT-SS3) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Explores how humans shape and are shaped by society. Examines how communication, interactions, and perceptions of society shape identities, attitudes, small groups, and collective behavior.
Prerequisite: None.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
Additional Information: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3C, Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).
SOC 271 Body and Society (GT-SS3) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines the body by focusing on its relationship with society. Explores the role of social structures and social norms on how physiques and figures fit or don't fit into broader expectations. Ties the social context to embodied self-perceptions and experiences.
Prerequisite: None.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
Additional Information: Social & Behavioral Sciences 3C, Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).
SOC 275 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Also Offered As: ANTH 275.
Course Description: Forensic anthropological theory and methods including estimation of age-at-death, sex, stature, ancestry, and trauma analysis.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both ANTH 275 and SOC 275. Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: Yes.
SOC 301 Development of Sociological Thought Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Central themes in sociological thought from Enlightenment to present.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 302 Contemporary Sociological Theory Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Explores contemporary social theorists and theoretical schools with a focus on including historically marginalized voices, such as women and people of color. Addresses new theoretical questions, debates, and solutions to confront today’s complex social problems.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 311 Sociological Research Methods Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Covers methods sociologists use to conduct empirically grounded and theoretically engaged research. Examines research design, the role of theory, ethics, and multiple methods for gathering data.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 314 Applications of Quantitative Research Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Covers quantitative data acquisition, cleaning, management and analysis. Introduces an analytical software package to clean, merge, and manage data. Provides tools to perform quantitative analyses and present results using tables and figures.
Prerequisite: (SOC 210 or STAT 200 to 499) and (SOC 311, may be taken concurrently).
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 315 Applications of Qualitative Research Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Covers qualitative research practices, including in-depth interviewing, focus group interviews, content analysis, and participant observation. Provides tools to code and analyze data as well as various ways to present results.
Prerequisite: SOC 311, may be taken concurrently.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 320 Population-Natural Resources and Environment Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Population studies; world growth patterns and their relationship to natural resources and environment.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 322 Environmental Justice Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines inequitable exposure to degraded environments and access to healthy and clean places and amenities in the United States and globally. Explores the structural forces leading to environmental disparities and how environmental justice movements and activists organize for change.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 323 Soc. of Environmental Cooperation & Conflict Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Roles of government and civil society in creating environmental problems and in developing effective responses to those problems.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 324 Food Justice Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Investigates the institutional drivers and social experiences of inequities in the food system. Examines how the food justice movement responds by organizing for grassroots, community, and global, as well as cultural, economic, and political change.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 330 Social Inequality Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Explores patterns in, and theories of, social inequality in the United States and internationally.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 332 Comparative Majority-Minority Relations Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Discrimination, ideology, power, policy issues in the U.S. and selected societies; application of basic concepts in student's self appraisal.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 333 Gender and Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Analysis of social organization of gender in contemporary society, emphasizing gendered experiences and institutional linkages.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 334 Sociology of Intersectionality Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines the intersections of socially constructed identities like race, class, gender, and sexuality. Delves into how and why the theory of intersectionality emerged. Explores sociological research on daily lived experiences, inequalities, and social change through this critical framework.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 340 Bureaucracy and Modern Organizations Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Structure and function of large-scale organization; coordination of activities between organizations and society.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 341 Sociology of Rural Life Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Rural life in U.S. and third world societies; analysis of sociocultural systems, social differentiation, social institutions, and problems of social change.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 342 Work and Leisure in Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Considers the interrelationship between work and leisure in modern life. Explores how technological change produces shifts in the organization of work and how growing inequality affects our ability to leisure.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 343 Sport and Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Analysis of sports as social phenomena with a focus on the social implications of sports in everyday life.
Prerequisite: None.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 344 Health, Medicine, and Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines how race, gender, and social class influence determinants of health and access to care. Discusses the rising cost of health care, the power of the pharmaceutical industry, the medicalization of illness, and new emerging biomedical technologies.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 351 Corporate and State Crime Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: A comprehensive exploration of the nature, causes, and control of corporate, state, and state-corporate crime. Examples of environmental crime, financial crime, corruption, and war crime.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 352 Criminology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines historical and contemporary sociological theories of crime in contemporary society. Discusses the implications of these explanations for criminal justice policy, prevention of crime, and notions of justice, including with respect to race/ethnicity, class, and gender.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 353 Criminal Investigations Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Introduction to criminal investigational procedures police use after a crime has occurred. Consider the strengths and limitations of these methods as a critical facet of the criminal processing system.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 354 Policing and Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Provides a comprehensive introduction to policing through an overview of its historical context and development as a profession in the United States. Examines policing as an institution within the criminal justice system as well as an action – something that police officers and organizations do. Explores challenges developing a mutually beneficial relationship between police and the communities where policework takes place.
Prerequisite: (SOC 100 or SOC 105) and (SOC 253).
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 356 Inequality in Criminal Sentencing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines the structure and process involved in the prosecution, adjudication, and sentencing of criminal defendants, and how that structure and process can produce disparities in criminal justice outcomes.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 357 Women, Crime, and Victimization Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines sociological research, policy, and programming that addresses women’s and girls' experiences with crime, victimization, and the criminal processing system more broadly.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online. Credit not allowed for SOC 357 and SOC 450.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 358 Punishment and Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Sociological examination of the forms and functions of punishment and the intended and unintended consequences of punishment policy.
Prerequisite: (SOC 100 or SOC 105) and (SOC 253).
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 359 Green Criminology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Environmental offenses, victims, and responses to environmental crimes and harms.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 360 Political Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Analysis of power as a sociological concept, emphasizing competing theories of the state and power.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 362 Social Change Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Sources of stability and stress in changing societies, consequences of planned and unplanned change; future trends.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 364 Food, Agriculture and Global Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Analyzes relationships between global food and agricultural systems and social change. Identifies key policy debates and choices, economic systems, and the role of civil society regarding how we produce, distribute, and consume food.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 372 Sociology of Deviance Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Description, comparison, and analysis of theories and research of deviance.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 373 Visual Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Blends theory, methods, and practice to examine the role of images in sociological inquiry. Applies sociological principles to understand photographs and the role of the photographer, with a focus on the intended audience, and their role in society at large.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Offered as an online course only.
Term Offered: Fall (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 374 Social Movements Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Investigate past and present social movements to understand their significance as key drivers of history and social change. Examines the causes, structure, culture, and outcomes of social movements to evaluate the power of mass mobilizations outside mainstream institutions.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both SOC 374 and SOC 474.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 375 Sociology of Religion Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Descriptions and analyses of the roles and relationships of religion as a modern social institution.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 403 Capstone Seminar Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Student demonstration of central concepts and procedures currently employed in sociology discipline.
Prerequisite: (SOC 210 or STAT 200 to 499 - at least 3 credits) and (SOC 301 or SOC 302) and (SOC 311) and (SOC 314 or SOC 315).
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 422 Comparative Legal Systems Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Also Offered As: ANTH 422.
Course Description: Traditional approaches to law, competing concepts of law in the global system, and experiences of minorities in state legal systems.
Prerequisite: ANTH 100 or SOC 100.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both SOC 422 and ANTH 422.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Modes: S/U within Student Option, Trad within Student Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 431 Community Dynamics and Development Credits: 4 (3-2-0)
Course Description: Nature of community; its institutions, problems and processes, including growth, disintegration, and development.
Prerequisite: (SOC 100 or SOC 105) and (SOC 311).
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 444 Federal Indian Law and Policy Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Also Offered As: ETST 444.
Course Description: Indian policy processes and their impact on Native lives and culture, particularly Native sovereignty.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both ETST 444 and SOC 444.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 455 Sociology of Law Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Investigates how social forces create laws and how they are enforced in society.
Prerequisite: (SOC 100 or SOC 105) and (SOC 253).
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 460 Environmental and Natural Resource Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Investigates vital questions about the relationships between human societies and biophysical systems. Examines topics such as global climate change, biodiversity loss, and industrial contamination. Considers why building better political and economic systems is critical to solving such multi-scalar environmental problems.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 461 Water and Social Justice Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Analyzes how human societies interact with and depend upon water with attention to institutions and inequalities. Examines various power dynamics of water access, control, rights, and management, and sustainable and just solutions to complex water problems.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 462 Applied Social Change Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Applied sociology with a focus on research and practice designed to foster social change.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 463 Sociology of Disaster Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Determinants and consequences of behavior and response to environmental extremes including floods, earthquakes, wind, severe storms, and technological emergencies.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Sections may be offered: Online.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 482A Travel Abroad: Comparative Criminal Justice Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: International and comparative issues in sociology.
Prerequisite: SOC 482B, may be taken concurrently.
Term Offered: Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 482B Travel Abroad: Crime and Deviance Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: International and comparative issues in sociology.
Prerequisite: SOC 482A, may be taken concurrently.
Term Offered: Summer.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 487 Internship Credits: 3 (0-0-9)
Course Description: Academic-based work experience with selected organizations or agencies. Supervised application of sociological principles.
Prerequisite: (SOC 210 or STAT 200 to 499) and (SOC 301 or SOC 302) and (SOC 311) and (SOC 314 or SOC 315 or CS 110).
Registration Information: Must have concurrent registration in SOC 492.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 492 Seminar Credit: 1 (0-0-1)
Course Description: Provides a structured academic environment to examine work experience gained in the concurrent internship. Integrates sociological tools learned during academic program in an applied setting.
Prerequisite: (SOC 210 or STAT 200 to 499) and (SOC 301 or SOC 302) and (SOC 311) and (SOC 314 or SOC 315 or CS 110).
Registration Information: Must have concurrent registration in SOC 487.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 495 Independent Study Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 500 The Sociological Profession I Credit: 1 (1-0-0)
Course Description: Examination of issues and values affecting sociology as a profession.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 to 481 - at least 15 credits.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 501 The Sociological Profession II Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examination of the activities and procedures critical to the socialization of professional sociologists.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 to 499 - at least 15 credits.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 502 Foundations of Theoretical Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Contributions of major sociological theorists prior to mid-20th century.
Prerequisite: SOC 500, may be taken concurrently.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 503 Contemporary Sociological Theory Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Contributions of major sociological theorists since mid-20th century.
Prerequisite: SOC 502.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 510 Sociological Methods I Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Linkage of sociological theory and conceptual models; case studies; data-gathering techniques.
Prerequisite: SOC 210 or SOC 311.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 511 Sociological Methods II Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Linkage of sociological theory and conceptual models; case studies; data-gathering techniques.
Prerequisite: SOC 510.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 540 Community Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Intellectual roots of community sociology and contemporary community studies.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 555 Society, Deviance, and Crime Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Sociological perspectives and research in the areas of deviance and crime, including classical, positivist, and critical approaches.
Prerequisite: SOC 300 to 499 - at least 12 credits.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 559 Green Criminology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examines crimes and harms that impact the natural environment, human and non-human life. Covers core concepts and major theoretical approaches in the study of global environmental and social harm, victimization, and regulatory responses to environmental crimes and wrongs.
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate.
Registration Information: Graduate standing. Credit not allowed for both SOC 559 and SOC 580A2.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 562 Sociology of Food Systems and Agriculture Credits: 3 (2-0-1)
Also Offered As: AGRI 562.
Course Description: How agricultural choices generate intended and unintended consequences for human communities and the natural environment.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both SOC 562 and AGRI 562.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 564 Environmental Justice Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Unequal distribution of environmental risks, benefits, policies, and regulatory practices across different populations.
Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 105.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 566 Contemporary Issues of Developing Countries Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Also Offered As: AREC 566.
Course Description: Social, economic, and technological factors in developing countries.
Prerequisite: None.
Registration Information: Must have taken 2 or more courses in SOC or AREC or ECON. Credit not allowed for both SOC 566 and AREC 566.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 610 Seminar in Methods of Qualitative Analysis Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Examination and application of qualitative techniques of analysis.
Prerequisite: SOC 311, may be taken concurrently or POLS 620, may be taken concurrently.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Registration Information: Credit not allowed for both SOC 610 and POLS 621.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 612 Seminar in Methods of Evaluational Research Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Quantitative and qualitative techniques of evaluating social action programs.
Prerequisite: SOC 511.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 613 Seminar in Multiple Regression and Path Analysis Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Analysis and application of techniques for multiple regression and path analysis.
Prerequisite: SOC 511.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Graduate cooperative program, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 614 Comparative Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examination of problems and prospects in extending and carrying out sociological research across social systems.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 630 Social Stratification Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Theory and research on class structure, status attainment, ideology, and social change.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 631 Sociology of Rural Development Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Rural social organization and development, modernization, and social change as it relates to rural social systems; underdeveloped regions of world.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 633 Theories of Modern Organizations Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Comparison of various theoretical perspectives on functioning of modern large-scale organizations.
Prerequisite: SOC 340.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 639 Technology Assessment and Social Forecasting Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Interrelationship between technology and society emphasizing procedures for evaluating impacts and forecasting alternatives.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 660 Theories of Development and Social Change Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Central concepts, issues, and approaches in sociology of development.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 661 Gender and Global Society Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Gender relations and social change in global society.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 662 Seminar in Sociological Policy Analysis Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Examination of sociological perspectives on formulation and impact of policies to deal with social problems.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Graduate cooperative program, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 663 Sociology of Sustainable Development Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Social dimensions of sustainable Third World development and implications for policy.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 664 Sociology of Water Resources Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Social organization, conflict, and power in arid environments.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 665 Sociology of Science and Technology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Examination of connections among science, technology, and social development in national and global context.
Prerequisite: SOC 100.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Registration Information: Must have taken 10 credits of undergraduate natural sciences.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 666 Globalization and Socioeconomic Restructuring Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Sociological theories and issues in globalization; socioeconomic restructuring of the world economy.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 667 Theories of State, Economy, and Society Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Major classical and contemporary sociological theories of state-economy-society relations emphasizing development.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 668 Environmental Sociology Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Course Description: Connections between social organizations, the environment, and science and technology.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 669 Global Inequality and Change Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Major issues in global inequality and change from a historical and contemporary perspective.
Prerequisite: SOC 500.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 671 Metatheoretical Issues in Sociology Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Analysis of metatheoretical concepts and issues in sociological theory.
Prerequisite: SOC 502.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 693A Seminar: Structural Theory Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 602.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 693B Seminar: Cultural Theory Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 602.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 693C Seminar: Middle Range Theory Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 602.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 693D Seminar: Metatheory Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 602.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring.
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 695 Independent Study Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Graduate cooperative program, Professional.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 696 Group Study Credits: Var[1-3] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Registration Information: Maximum of 8 credits allowed in course.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 699 Thesis Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 752 Seminar in Utopian Thought Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description: Sociological analysis of major utopian writings.
Prerequisite: SOC 602.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Fall (odd years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 784 Supervised College Teaching Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 787 Internship Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 793A Seminar: Quantitative Data Collection Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 511.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 793B Seminar: Quantitative Data Analysis Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 511.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 793C Seminar: Advanced Ethnographic Methods Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 511.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 793D Seminar: Comparative Methods Credits: 3 (0-0-3)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: SOC 511.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Term Offered: Spring (even years).
Grade Mode: Traditional.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 795 Independent Study Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.
SOC 799 Dissertation Credits: Var[1-18] (0-0-0)
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None.
Restriction: Must be a: Graduate, Professional.
Terms Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Grade Mode: Instructor Option.
Special Course Fee: No.