The Graduate Certificate in Advanced Silviculture for the Practicing Forester provides forestry professionals with advanced contemporary knowledge for making sound, science-based management decisions within an adaptive management context. This online certificate will prepare students with the tools, methods, theories, and tactics to identify, compare, and apply advanced ecological and silvicultural concepts to diverse forest ecosystems, as well as develop, implement, and evaluate silvicultural solutions to help forests and communities adapt to a changing climate. The program is comprised of a set of six core courses.

Learning Objectives

After successfully completing the graduate certificate, students will be able to:

  1. Identify, compare, and apply advanced ecological and silvicultural concepts across diverse forest ecosystems.
  2. Develop a comprehensive silviculture prescription that identifies a suite of options at the stand level within a landscape context, that addresses climate change adaptation and mitigation, and that meets a variety of management objectives and desired future conditions.
  3. Evaluate and assess the effectiveness of on-the-ground management through the development and implementation of a monitoring plan to inform future adaptive management decisions.
  4. Demonstrate effective written, oral, and visual communication skills.
  5. Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviors in all aspects of forest management.
  6. Demonstrate lifelong learning skills and know how to access, evaluate quality and relevance, and utilize current scientific information.

Effective Fall 2021

Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.

F 571Applied Forest Ecology2
F 572Advanced Silviculture Practices3
F 574Climate Adaptive Forest Management1
F 575Monitoring for Advanced Silviculture2
F 576Advanced Silviculture Capstone3
Select one course from the following:1-2
Advanced Silviculture Seminar
Natural Resources Stewardship Seminar
Program Total Credits:12-13

 *This certificate may have courses in common with other graduate certificates. A student may earn more than one certificate, but a given course may be counted only in one certificate.