The Graduate and Professional Bulletin is designed to provide post baccalaureate students and prospective students with the information which is most essential. It is not a comprehensive source.
A complete listing of graduate programs and degrees may be found by visiting the Graduate School.
The policies and procedures in the Graduate and Professional Bulletin apply to all graduate students, except for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) students.
CSU reserves the right at any time, without notice, to change, modify, or cancel any course, program, procedure, policy, financial requirement, or disciplinary arrangement set forth in this catalog whenever, in its sole discretion, it determines such action to be appropriate. Furthermore, CSU will not be responsible for any failure to present or complete any course or program or to perform any other activity, function, or obligation mentioned in this catalog. Since changes may occur at any time, students must check the relevant website (as noted throughout this catalog).
CSU Student Conduct Code
The Student Conduct Code exists to notify students, faculty, and staff of the specific expectations Colorado State University holds related to student behavior and the rights and responsibilities that accompany being a student and participating in student clubs or organizations.
Functions and Organization of the Graduate School
The purpose of the Graduate School is to promote high quality education and specialized training and to further the scholarly research and creative artistry with which such education is intimately linked. The advanced study necessary for graduate degrees requires the discovery of new knowledge, the original application or adaptation of existing knowledge, or esthetic contribution to the culture. Accordingly, graduate students perform research or do artistic work. Similarly, the faculty who are responsible for graduate education are themselves researchers or artists whose responsibilities include the transmission of their own creative skills and abilities to their students. The graduate educational mission of CSU and the research/artistic mission of CSU complement and reinforce each other and go forward in mutual interdependence.
Through the offering of the best graduate education available, CSU seeks to provide the skills and training necessary to a rapidly changing society and also to provide the basis for individual gratification and fulfillment on the part of its graduates.
Graduate degrees are awarded by CSU as an overall institution. Accordingly, CSU has specified that certain academic practices and procedures shall apply to all graduate degrees regardless of the departments and colleges in which study is undertaken. As is the case in most quality universities, some consistency of requirements has been found desirable. The Graduate School is the unit which applies and administers these requirements.
This activity involves several discrete kinds of functions. First, the Graduate School monitors all students’ progress through the entire graduate career, from sending out preliminary information on admissions to graduation. It maintains student records on application, admission, credits earned, formal programs of study, academic standing, progress toward the degree, and graduation. Additionally, it provides a regular flow of information to students and faculty regarding these practices so that the necessary steps can be taken as easily and conveniently as possible.
The Graduate School maintains an active liaison with students both on matters of overall interest and at the level of individual concerns. The former typically involves close contact with the Graduate Student Council, the campus-wide organization of graduate students, or its officers. The latter centers around matters which particular students raise as specific single cases.
The Graduate School collects and maintains information on the condition of the graduate educational mission of CSU. It concerns itself with institution-wide policies and practices that may affect this condition and will implement particular arrangements or make recommendations to the Faculty Council as appropriate.
Formal student involvement in the Graduate School proceeds through the Graduate Student Council. The Student Council consists of one student representative and one alternate from each department offering programs leading to advanced degrees. The Council elects its own officers and nominates graduate students for memberships on Faculty Council and Graduate School committees.