A diverse group of young school-age children walk down the street and smile for the camera.

The Major in Ethnic Studies, Social Studies Teaching Concentration prepares students to become social studies teachers in middle schools or high schools. Specific requirements for the teacher licensure can be found at Educator Preparation in the School of Education.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of the program of study, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate competence in teaching social studies courses at the high school level.
  2. Apply ethnic studies and gender studies content to various areas in high school social studies curriculum.
  3. Analyze the intersections between ethnic studies and standard social studies curriculum.
  4. Enhance the state approved social sciences and history courses by incorporating diverse perspectives.
  5. Develop critical understanding of instructional methodologies and pedagogy.
  6. Work effectively with diverse student populations.

Effective Spring 2024

During their sophomore year, students must apply for admission to the licensure program. This requires completion of at least 30 credits, a minimum 3.000 GPA, and passing a criminal background check. To continue in the major, students must maintain a 3.000 GPA. Grades in all History, Social Studies and Education courses must be C or above. 

CO 150College Composition (GT-CO2)1A3
ETST 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies (GT-SS3)1C3
GR 100Introduction to Geography (GT-SS2)3C3
Select one course from the following: 3
Introductory Cultural Anthropology (GT-SS3)3C 
General Psychology (GT-SS3)3C 
Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3)3C 
Social Problems (GT-SS3)3C 
Select one course from the following: 3
Western Civilization, Pre-Modern (GT-HI1)3D 
The Islamic World: Late Antiquity to 15003D 
Asian Civilizations I (GT-HI1)3D 
World History, Ancient-1500 (GT-HI1)3D 
Arts and Humanities3B3
Biological and Physical Sciences3A7
Quantitative Reasoning1B3
Elective 2
 Total Credits 30
EDUC 275Schooling in the United States (GT-SS3)3C3
ETST 240Introduction to Indigenous Studies (GT-AH2)3B3
Select one course from the following: 3
Gender in the Economy (GT-SS1)1C 
Racial Inequality and Discrimination (GT-SS1)1C 
Select two courses from the following: 6
African American History (GT-HI1)3D 
Asian American History (GT-HI1)3D 
Chicanx History and Culture (GT-HI1)3D 
Native American History (GT-HI1)3D 
Select one course from the following not taken elsewhere in the program: 3
Introduction to Critical Disability Studies  
Queer Studies and Women of Color  
Disability, Race, Gender in the Environment  
Introduction to Women's Studies3C 
Women of Color in the United States  
Feminist Theory  
Select one course from the following: 3
Western Civilization, Modern (GT-HI1)3D 
Asian Civilizations II (GT-HI1)3D 
World History, 1500-Present (GT-HI1)3D 
Select one course from the following: 3
U.S. History to 1876 (GT-HI1)3D 
U.S. History Since 1876 (GT-HI1)3D 
Select one course from the following: 3
American Government and Politics (GT-SS1)3C 
Comparative Government and Politics (GT-SS1)1C 
Advanced Writing23
 Total Credits 30
EDUC 331Educational Technology and Assessment 2
EDUC 340Literacy and the Learner 3
EDUC 350Instruction I-Individualization/Management 3
EDUC 386Practicum-Instruction I 1
EDUC 465Methods and Materials in Social Studies 4
GR 320Cultural Geography 3
Select one course from the following: 3
Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in the U.S.4A,4B 
Race Formation in the United States4A,4B 
Select two courses from the following: 6
Antisemitism Uncovered--Rhetoric to Violence  
Indigenous Women, Children, and Tribes  
Global Environmental Justice Movements  
Caribbean Identities  
Gynaehorror--Horror Films, Race, Female Body  
Africa and African Diaspora  
Select one course from the following not taken elsewhere in the program: 3
Introduction to Critical Disability Studies  
Queer Studies and Women of Color  
Disability, Race, Gender in the Environment  
Introduction to Women's Studies3C 
Women of Color in the United States  
Feminist Theory  
Elective 3
 Total Credits 31
EDUC 450Instruction II-Standards and Assessment 4
EDUC 485BStudent Teaching: Secondary 11
EDUC 486EPracticum: Instruction II 1
EDUC 493ASeminar: Professional Relations 1
ETST 493Capstone Seminar4C3
Electives1 9
 Total Credits 29
 Program Total Credits: 120

Select enough elective credits to bring the program total to a minimum of 120 credits, of which at least 42 must be upper-division (300- to 400-level).



Distinctive Requirements for Degree Program:
During their sophomore year, students must apply for admission to the licensure program. This requires completion of at least 30 credits, a minimum 3.000 GPA, and passing a criminal background check. To continue in the major, students must maintain a 3.000 GPA. Grades in all History, Social Studies and Education courses must be C or above. 

Semester 1CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
CO 150College Composition (GT-CO2)  1A3
ETST 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies (GT-SS3)  1C3
Arts and Humanities  3B3
Biological and Physical Sciences  3A3
Quantitative Reasoning  1B3
 Total Credits   15
Semester 2CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
GR 100Introduction to Geography (GT-SS2)  3C3
Select one course from the following:   3
Introductory Cultural Anthropology (GT-SS3)  3C 
General Psychology (GT-SS3)  3C 
Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3)  3C 
Social Problems (GT-SS3)  3C 
Select one course from the following:   3
Western Civilization, Pre-Modern (GT-HI1)  3D 
The Islamic World: Late Antiquity to 1500  3D 
Asian Civilizations I (GT-HI1)  3D 
World History, Ancient-1500 (GT-HI1)  3D 
Biological and Physical Sciences  3A4
Elective   2
AUCC 1B (Quantitative Reasoning) and CO 150 must be completed by the end of semester 2.X   
 Total Credits   15
Semester 3CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
EDUC 275Schooling in the United States (GT-SS3)  3C3
ETST 240Introduction to Indigenous Studies (GT-AH2)  3B3
Select one course from the following:   3
Gender in the Economy (GT-SS1)  1C 
Racial Inequality and Discrimination (GT-SS1)  1C 
Select two courses from the following:   6
African American History (GT-HI1)  3D 
Asian American History (GT-HI1)  3D 
Chicanx History and Culture (GT-HI1)  3D 
Native American History (GT-HI1)  3D 
 Total Credits   15
Semester 4CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
Select one course from the following not taken elsewhere in the program:   3
Introduction to Critical Disability Studies    
Queer Studies and Women of Color    
Disability, Race, Gender in the Environment    
Introduction to Women's Studies  3C 
Women of Color in the United States    
Feminist Theory    
Select one course from the following:   3
Western Civilization, Modern (GT-HI1)  3D 
Asian Civilizations II (GT-HI1)  3D 
World History, 1500-Present (GT-HI1)  3D 
Select one course from the following:   3
U.S. History to 1876 (GT-HI1)  3D 
U.S. History Since 1876 (GT-HI1)  3D 
Select one course from the following:   3
American Government and Politics (GT-SS1)  3C 
Comparative Government and Politics (GT-SS1)  1C 
Advanced Writing  23
EDUC 275 must be completed by the end of semester 4.X   
 Total Credits   15
Semester 5CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
EDUC 340Literacy and the Learner   3
EDUC 465Methods and Materials in Social Studies   4
Select one course from the following not taken elsewhere in the program:   3
Introduction to Critical Disability Studies    
Queer Studies and Women of Color    
Disability, Race, Gender in the Environment    
Introduction to Women's Studies  3C 
Women of Color in the United States    
Feminist Theory    
Select two courses from the following:   6
Antisemitism Uncovered--Rhetoric to Violence    
Indigenous Women, Children, and Tribes    
Global Environmental Justice Movements    
Caribbean Identities    
Gynaehorror--Horror Films, Race, Female Body    
Africa and African Diaspora    
Select ETST 305 in Semester 5 if ETST 404 will not be taken in Semester 6:X  0-3
Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in the U.S.    
Admission to Teacher Licensure program and EDUC 340 must be completed by the end of semester 5.X   
 Total Credits   16
Semester 6CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
EDUC 331Educational Technology and Assessment   2
EDUC 350Instruction I-Individualization/Management   3
EDUC 386Practicum-Instruction I   1
GR 320Cultural Geography   3
Select ETST 404 in Semester 6 if ETST 305 will not be taken in Semester 5:X  0-3
Race Formation in the United States    
Elective   3
 Total Credits   15
Semester 7CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
EDUC 450Instruction II-Standards and Assessment   4
EDUC 486EPracticum: Instruction II   1
ETST 493Capstone SeminarX 4C3
Electives   6
EDUC 450, EDUC 465, EDUC 486E must be completed by the end of semester 7.X   
 Total Credits   14
Semester 8CriticalRecommendedAUCCCredits
EDUC 485BStudent Teaching: SecondaryX  11
EDUC 493ASeminar: Professional RelationsX  1
ElectiveX  3
The benchmark courses for the 8th semester are the remaining courses in the entire program of study.X   
 Total Credits   15
 Program Total Credits:   120