Film Studies is an interdisciplinary academic discipline that deals with historical, theoretical, and critical approaches to analyzing film. It is concerned with exploring the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic, and political implications of cinema. The United States’ film industry is second worldwide only to India and continues to grow, as does the study of film. A minor in Film Studies will enable students to develop media fluency in film including the ability to analyze, contextualize, and use the medium within the broad context of humanistic studies. This minor will provide students with a solid background in critical thinking and writing, and skills that will serve students well in any career. 

If you are interested in declaring your minor or if you have minor advising questions, please contact Usama Alshaibi (

Additional program details are available from the Communications Studies Department.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  1. Analyze film textuality as a distinct, but intermedial art form.
  2. Research and describe the political, economic, industrial, and cultural contexts in which films are created, circulated, and gain meaning.
  3. Describe, compare, and apply different methodologies of film analysis.
  4. Develop and write critical, evidence-based, well-organized and persuasive film analyses.

Effective Fall 2021

Students must satisfactorily complete the total credits required for the minor. Minors and interdisciplinary minors require 12 or more upper-division (300- to 400-level) credits.

Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.

Required Course
SPCM 350Evaluating Contemporary Film3
Selected Courses
Select a minimum of 18 credits, of which at least 15 must be upper-division (300- to 400-level), from the following list:18
Literature and Film Studies
The Gothic in Literature and Film
Ethnicity and Film--Asian-American Experience
Black Cinema and Media
Indigenous Film and Video
Chicanx Film and Video
United States History Through Film
Documentary Film as a Liberal Art
Introduction to Chinese Cinema Studies 1
Introduction to French Cinema Studies 1
Studies in Foreign Film: The Americas
Studies in Foreign Film: Asia
Studies in Foreign Film: Europe
Studies in Foreign Film: Africa
Studies in Foreign Film: Global
The Holocaust in Literature and Film
Introduction to German Cinema Studies 1
Studies in Foreign Film-Italian 1
Introduction to Japanese Cinema Studies 1
Introduction to Russian Cinema Studies 1
Introduction to Spanish Cinema 1
Studies in Foreign Film: Spain 1
Studies in Foreign Film: Latin America 1
Screenwriting as Communication
Film History: International
Film History: United States
Asians in the U.S. Media
Film and Social Change
Gender and Genre in Film: Comedy
Gender and Genre in Film: Horror
Gender and Genre in Film: Other Genres
The Personal Lens – Making Media
Study Abroad--South Korea: Cinema, Culture, and History
Narrative Fiction Film as a Liberal Art
Study Abroad: Cinematic Rome
Practicum: Film Festivals
Program Total Credits:21

Course is taught in the respective language.